The MIB-SOLAR Center was established in 2010 in the Department of Materials Science (University of Milano-Bicocca) to promote and encourage study and research of new materials and devices related to solar energy in its various forms including:
solar energy as a renewable source in photovoltaic processes;
solar energy as a renewable source for solar fuels production, through photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical processes.
Main targets and duties of the Center are:
fostering the aggregation and coordination of researchers in the field of solar energy through the integration and interdisciplinary cooperation in scientific and technological research: Mib-solar center participates to Joint Programmes Photovoltaic Solar Energy;
promoting participation in joint national and international research projects on solar energy;
promoting education and training of young students/researchers in the field of materials science and technology for solar energy, with emphasis to gender issues and applicants from economies in transition: the Center participates to the National Ph.D. Programme "Photovoltaics" (scholarship available, see Open positions!!!);
contributing to the growth of the intellectual property of the University of Milano-Bicocca in the field of solar energy and, in general, advanced technology;
creating and fostering relationships with institutions, public and private research centers in the field of solar energy and make them available the expertise, know-how, skills, and equipment of the Center;
creating and organizing activities to support large and SMEs operating in the field of solar energy, including Technology Transfer for a successful transition from research to market;
promoting seminars and webinars, conferences, meetings, and workshops to spread and share knowledge and activities in the field of solar energy in cooperation with public and private agencies and scientific associations;
creating and organizing activities, and disseminating knowledge and best practices about renewable energies, namely solar energy, to first cycle schools and education centers;
supporting the establishment of new companies with special regard to university spin-off companies.